Saturday 18 April 2020


A Kotatsu table is a Japanese heating appliance consisting out of a table, a futon (a sort of thick blanket / quilt) and a heat source. The futon, is placed over the kotatsu table, which has a heater unit placed under its top. It is a form of a heating appliance that comprises of a wooden table, futon and a source of heat. A futon refers to a heavy blanket that covers the table to keep you warm and cozy. The heater unit goes beneath the table to create adequate warmth for everyone utilizing the table. You can place your lower body under the blanket.

Ezerpco Barcelona has very functional futons.
The futons are heavy to prevent warm air from escaping and facilitate equal circulation of heat. A kotatsu is a cheap table that comes in different sizes and shapes. Most of the families conduct their activities from one strategic position to save the costs of energy. Though the table is covered with a futon during winter, you can still use the table during summer without adding futon.

These three items (table, heater and futon) together form one comple Kotatsu set. The heat generated by the heating unit is trapped under the blanket, thereby providing a warm and cozy area for people to sit under. Most people only place the lower part of their body under the blanket, and it is not recommended to sleep under the kotatsu, because moving during your sleep can cause you to accidentally touch the heating unit. 

In winter times Japanese families tend to gather around the Kotatsu and play games, eat or watch television. It is somewhat of a tradition to eat mandarins under the kotatsu in winter. Kotatsu come in various shapes and heights. Since Japanese people tend to sit on their tatami mat floors, the height of the devices used tends to be pretty low. In other places higher tables might be wishful. In this case you can sit on a chair or couch, and still enjoy the warmth provided by the kotatsu. 

Even though high kotatsus are rare within Japan, outside of Japan they can be bought online at our website.            


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For EzerpCo Barcelona , the safety of our customers is extremely important. Here we will explain you a series of tips to use Kotatsu table ...